
it’s nice to meet you via the Internet.

Creativity has always been a part of who I am.


As a kid, this meant I designed and sewed clothes for my dog, collected an outrageous amount of art supplies, and was always creating in some way via book, play, painting, Lego town, pancake masterpiece, etc.


Creativity led me to pursue my BFA in graphic design from Appalachian State University (go ‘neers) and uncover a world of making and discovering.


After college, I worked in the corporate world for seven years. There I discovered an interest for bridging together analytics and visual design, along with developing a growing passion for business in general. This interest sent me back to school to earn my Master’s in Marketing with a specialization in High-Tech Entrepreneurial Marketing from University of Colorado – Denver.


While in grad school, I attended a lecture describing the “entrepreneur bug” and realized I had been bitten (still waiting on the super powers to kick in). In 2021, I took a leap of faith to start my own design and marketing firm, Alaray Creative.  I am passionate and motivated by the positive impacts business can create and exploring the many different ways this can look.


Currently, I live in Chattanooga, TN with my husband, Grey, and spend my time hiking in the mountains, eating good food with good people, facing my fears with rock climbing, and – depending on the day – trying to talk Grey and myself in to or out of getting a dog (stay tuned to see how this goes).


There’s a lot more to say, but to keep it brief – this is a place where I’ll be sharing what’s on my mind and things I’m learning.